Recently Funded Companies Database
Access for free to a real-time updated list of recently funded companies.
Get verified founder emails in your inbox every day.
Use the API, Zapier or our Airtable
How fundraising monitoring works ?
Comprehensive Web Monitoring
We monitor, analyze, and extract more than 2000 financial
newspapers and Twitter feeds to bring you details of the latest
transactions and deals closed.
Data Extraction
We apply statistical, grammatical, and semantic analysis to data
found on the web, parsing unstructured text into structured data.
No longer will you have to search for information manually.
Structured Content
We present information in a free API and an Airtable so you can
read essential details easily. At a glance, you can get all the
demographics and firmographics information about the company
and its C-Level team.
What you can do with Fundraising Monitoring ?
Update your CRM
Automatically enrich your CRM with the last funding data
for each of your prospects. Create a deal when a company in your ICP raised money
Be alerted in real time
Timing is important. Be alerted in real-time when a company in
your ICP raises money so that you can contact them at the right
moment with the right ice-breakers.
Supercharge your outreach personalization
We give you email and social media of each C-Level of the
company so you can supercharge your outreach and use unique
tags so nobody can’t imagine your campaigns are automated
It’s really free?
Free real-time updated Airtable
Free real-time updated API
Free email of each C-Level
Free Social Media of each C-Level
Free details about the company