Find Email Addresses Online in Just a Second - Email Finder

Best Website to Find Email Addresses Online

We found more than 3 million verified email addresses online. Trust our website for finding email addresses online. Try now!

Find Verified Email Address
Catchall Bypassing
API Available

Try now our real time search engine, it’s free!

Find Email Addresses from Anywhere

Datagma is the best website to find email addresses online for anyone, anytime, and anywhere, wherever you need. Simplifying your search process with us.

Job Title & Company Search Engine

Use our Search Engine to find people's contact info even if you don't know their names. Effortlessly find company email addresses for free. With us, you can find the right contact details without hassle or limitations, all at no cost to you.

File Upload

Want to find multiple prospects in bulk? Use one of our bulk upload tools to find thousands of emails at once. Streamline your search for prospects and save time by easily obtaining lists of contact details. Simplify your outreach with ease using our efficient bulk email finder extension.

Chrome Extension

Our Chrome Extension helps you discover email addresses easily. Just browse any social profile, and it instantly finds email addresses online linked to that profile. Say goodbye to manual searching – it’s quick, direct, and hassle-free!

Advanced Bounce & Catchall Detection

We've got you covered with our advanced system that detects bounced emails and catchall addresses. You will always be informed and ensured that your messages reach the right inboxes.

Advanced Catchall Detection

If we face a catchall email, we try to detect if this catchall is linked to a social account (LinkedIn, Facebook, GitHub...) to see if this email is valid or not.

Advanced Bounce Detection

We partner with all the major cold email sending tools. They give us access daily to all the emails sent by their user who bounced, so even when an email seems valid, we verify with them before delivering it to you. This way, we can guarantee you the lowest bounce rate.

Find Verified Email Addresses Online with our API

Access our API to find verified email addresses online. Your one-stop solution to finding accurate and trusted emails online helps to save your time and make the process easy.


Start in seconds, thank our Developer portal. Only GET calls to guarantee you no headache.

Use anything in input

Lookup by Name, Social URL, or even company & job title, and we will find verified emails.

Get everything in output

Choose the package you need between Company, Financial, Person, and Website Data. We will crawl the whole web in seconds to give you the result ready to use.

Steps to Use Datagma Enrichment for Real Time Data

Can be used with integrations:

Learn more about our integration

Get started with
160 free emails.

Frequently Asked Questions

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It is difficult to find verified email addresses through manual search, but Datagma makes the process simple to obtain lists of emails in just seconds. You only need to input necessary details like full name or address. You will access reliable information, ensuring you connect with the right people hassle-free.

Datagma's email finder works by scanning various online sources and databases to find email addresses associated with specific individuals or companies. It uses algorithms to search publicly available information like websites, social media platforms, and other databases.

Yes, you can extract email addresses from LinkedIn using Datagma. Datagma is a tool that helps collect contact information, including emails, phone numbers and other essential info from LinkedIn profiles. It allows users to find contact details for various purposes, like networking or outreach goals.

The email finder helps find the correct contact details for people you need. It checks and confirms if the email addresses are real. This makes sure that the emails you get are more likely to be active and working properly.

Yes, you can find email addresses online in bulk using the Datagma Email Finder extension. You need to open any social media platforms like LinkedIn and search for the person, company, or designation. It will allow you to scrap 2500 users per day within just seconds.

Now you simply need to upload a CSV file or Excel file in Datagma's file upload section. This will help you to generate lists of people with verified email addresses and other information.