Category: Uncategorized

How to search for Mobile Phone Numbers of LinkedIn Users

Find mobile phone numbers of linkedin users in bulk

Our different ways to search mobile phone numbers of LinkedIn users.

Here is the story. You are looking for mobile phone numbers We have two differents databases (Easy Search And Advanced Phone Search). The Easy Search can be used with search Engine, Chrome extension or file upload. The advanced Phone Search with search engine only. Here is how to proceed.

Hubspot Enrichment to boost your conversion rate

How to improve your free-to-paid rate by 134% with Hubspot enrichment

Ever heard of Exotec? How about EcoVadis or Ivalua?

Before writing this article, I didn't know them either, yet these are three unicorns. If tomorrow the head of sales (replace sales by what you want depending on your industry: HR, data, legal, marketing...) creates an account on your website, wouldn't you like to know in real time? Thanks to Hubspot enrichment, it's easily doable. Here is how.

At Datagma, we know how to enrich data.

Here’s a step-by-step description of the different actions we’ve implemented to do Hubspot enrichment and use all new data in our whole stack.

It allows us to increase our free-to-paid conversion rate by 134% over the last two months, and this will allow any PLG company to improve its conversion thanks to data.

Before we get into the details of our process, here’s what we do.


How about EcoVadis or Ivalua?


I am the founder of a bootstrapped SaaS.

I can't afford to have 50 salespeople, and I want users to upgrade as much as possible on their own. We are developing a 100% product-led growth model.

On our first 10K of MMR, the onboarding (both on the site and in the emails we sent) was geared towards getting as many demos as possible, but there came a point where I had so many people sign up per day that I was spending too much energy on useless demos for curious people that I couldn't convert—even with the strongest determination.

We had to prioritize our actions and time so we could devote it to those who were most likely to convert.


To this end, we enrich each new user of our site with data related to the person and his/her company in order to:

  • customize onboarding
  • manually engage the prospects with the most potential
  • offer maximum context on our live chat


To achieve this, we use a native integration of Datagma that allows Hubspot enrichment

native integration

Hubspot then distributes data to the other tools in the stack.

Here’s how to proceed in detail.


Add all our new users to Hubspot

I’ll tell you a little secret: I don't have a customer relationship management tool, and I don't use Hubspot in place of one.

However, it is the base of our pyramid that will allow us to perform more specific actions.

I use Hubspot to host data that will then be sent to all the other tools in our stack.

The ultimate goal is to send enriched and actionable data.

To achieve this, I first need to add all our new users to Hubspot so they can be enriched by Datagma.


There are several ways to add new users to my site in Hubspot:

  • Integromat, Zapier, N8N...
  • the HubSpot API
  • Segment
  • the fourth solution (the cheapskate)


The first one was not retained because it was not economically practical enough, given the number of actions per day.

We didn’t consider the second one for long, either: too technical.

The third one requires a Hubspot Enterprise subscription, so we also dropped that one.

Ultimately, we kept the fourth option:

  • As soon as a user signs up on our site, Segment passes the information along to Intercom.
  • And since Intercom is synchronized with Hubspot (we'll come back to this below), this user will also be added in real-time in Hubspot.


real-time in Hubspot


Activate Hubspot enrichment  contacts

Easy one! That’s great news because that’s our job.

At Datagma, we have developed a native integration with Hubspot that allows you to enrich all Hubspot contacts by email address automatically. We instantly add more than 50 fields (see the full list here).

You can enrich all contacts in the CRM or only those in a particular list, whether dynamic or static.

To do this, head over to the Datagma integration page and select “Hubspot.”

Click on “connect,” then select the list(s) you want to be enriched.

enrichment contacts


Next, we’ll:

  • Enrich all your contacts already present in Hubspot (or on the list you have selected)
  • Enrich all new contacts in real-time right as they’re added.

Send these enriched contacts to other tools in the stack

Now that your contacts in Hubspot are enriched, you need to be able to obtain this data from your stack’s other tools.

This is where the Hubspot Operation Hub comes into play. Its purpose is to synchronize Hubspot with the other tools you use.

Two main tools here: Intercom & Slack


  • Add a note in Slack with the description of each new user.

If an executive from a company that raised money last week registers on your site, wouldn't you like to know it in real-time?

So you can take back control of your automation or track your live session?


Well, here it is.

We currently have about 50 new registrations per day on Datagma; some correspond more than others to our ICP (ideal customer profile), whether it be for the company (for us, SAAS, recruitment firm, or even better SaaS in recruitment) or the person, and whether it be for their role (sales, data, or growth) or their seniority (head, CXO).

When a user matching the ICP signs up, I want to personally initiate the conversion as soon as possible.

This means I want to take him out of our automatic onboarding emails and send him a message I will write myself.

So, I linked Hubspot to Slack to post all new sign-ups directly to Slack with all the enriched details about the person.

It looks like this:

Slack with the description


As I'm connected to Slack all day long, I never miss an exciting signup, whereas when I only had the email notifications, I could miss little nuggets (I take my example above, but an email in doesn't speak, whereas is already more pictorial.

I use Zapier to automate this (Trigger: new contact in Hubspot -> Action Slack Message).


If you want a detailed playbook, you can read how to get notifications in slack for new HubSpot contacts.

  • Enrich all Intercom messages to personalize onboarding

Intercom is the central point of our onboarding and marketing.


    • Onboarding messages are sent from Intercom

We have a multifaceted product that is aimed at developers (API), sales (our Chrome extension) or marketing (CRM enrichment), and the onboarding must be different for each user.

Since our onboarding emails originate from Intercom, I send all the data enriched in Hubspot directly to Intercom—again through the Hubspot for Intercom application in the HubSpot operations Hub.

I can then create rules for sending emails, as shown below:

 Onboarding messages are sent from Intercom

Thus, each user has a personalized onboarding according to his role.


    • Intercom is our live chat

Many sales are concluded live, by answering a user's question in the chat.

I also like to have as much context as possible when I converse with someone.

Intercom is our live chat

On usage (and thank you segment that sends all data live to Intercom) but also on PKI. Who is he? How many employees does the company have? Have they raised funds?


Datagma makes all this useful data available to me directly via Intercom.

As you can see, the use cases are unlimited. As soon as you have the data, you have more control and waste less time.

Whether you’re in a PLG or not, Hubspot enrichment is crucial, and Datagma can help you.


Enrichir Hubspot automatiquement pour mieux convertir

Comment améliorer votre taux de free to paid de 134% grace à l'enrichissement Hubspot automatique

Connaissez-vous Exotec ? EcoVadis, Ivalua ?

Et bien moi je ne les connaissais pas avant de rédiger cet article, pourtant ce sont trois licornes françaises. Si demain le head of sales (remplacer sales par ce que vous voulez en fonction de votre industrie : HR, Data, legal, marketing...) s'inscrit sur votre site, vous n'aimeriez pas le savoir en temps réel ?

Ça tombe bien, chez Datagma, on sait enrichir la donnée.

Voici étape par étape les différentes actions qu'on a mises en place, qui nous on permis d'augmenter notre taux de free to paid de 134% sur les 2 derniers mois, et qui permettront à n'importe quelle société en PLG d'améliorer sa conversion grâce à la Data.

Avant de rentrer dans le détails de comment nous le faisons, voici ce que nous faisons.


Je suis le fondateur d'un SAAS bootstrapé.

Je n’ai pas les moyens d’avoir 50 commerciaux, et je veux que les utilisateurs upgrade au maximum par eux-mêmes. Nous dévelopons un modèle 100% Product-Led-Growth.

Sur nos premiers 10K de MMR, l'onboarding (tant sur le site que dans les e-mails que nous envoyions) était orienté pour obtenir le plus de démos possible, mais il arrive un moment ou j'avais tellement de sign ups par jour, que je dépensais trop d'énergie en démos inutiles, sur des gens curieux, que je ne pouvais convertir même avec la meilleure volonté du monde.

Il a fallu prioriser nos actions, prioriser notre temps, pour pouvoir le consacrer à ceux qui avaient le plus de chance de convertir.

Pour cela nous enrichissons chaque nouvel utilisateur de notre site avec des données sur la personne et des données sur sa société afin de :

  • Personnaliser l'onboarding
  • Engager manuellement les prospects les plus intéressants pour nous.
  • Avoir le maximum de contexte sur notre live chat

Pour ce faire on utilise l'intégration native entre Datagma et Hubspot.

Hubspot va ensuite distribuer nos données aux autres outils de la stack.

Voici comment procéder en détail.

Ajouter tous nos nouveaux utilisateurs dans Hubspot

Petite confidence : Je n'ai pas de CRM et je ne me sers pas d'Hubspot comme un CRM.

Cependant c'est la base de notre pyramide qui va ensuite nous permettre d'effectuer des actions plus spécifiques.

Je me sers d’Hubspot comme d’un Hub ou je peux héberger mes données qui seront ensuite envoyées à tous les autres outils de notre stack.

L’objectif final étant d’envoyer des données enrichies et actionnables.

Pour ce faire, je dois d'abord ajouter tous nos nouveaux users dans Hubspot pour qu'ils soient enrichis par Datagma.

Plusieurs solutions sont possibles pour ajouter les nouveaux utilisateurs de mon site dans Hubspot :

  • Integromat, Zapier, N8N...
  • Utiliser l'API d'hubspot
  • Segment
  • La quatrième solution (solution du pauvre)


On n’a pas retenu la première car trop peu économique vu le nombre d’action par jour.

On n'a pas retenu la deuxième car trop technique

On n'a pas retenu la troisième car il faut un plan Hubspot Enterprise

On a retenu la quatrième :

Dès qu'un user sign-up sur notre site, Segment l'envoie à Intercom.

Et comme Intercom est synchronisé avec Hubspot (on y reviendra plus bas) alors cet utilisateur va également être ajouté en temps réel dans Hubspot.

Enrichir tous les contacts Hubspot

Alors là, cela tombe bien, c’est notre métier.

Chez Datagma on a développé une intégration native avec Hubspot qui permet d'enrichir automatiquement tous les contacts Hubspot à partir de leur e-mail. On ajoute plus de 50 champs (dont la liste est visible ici) instantanément

Vous pouvez choisir d'enrichir tous les contacts du CRM, ou uniquement les contacts qui sont dans une liste en particulier, qu'elle soit dynamique ou statique.

Pour ce faire vous vous rendez sur la page intégration de Datagma

Vous selectionnez Hubspot

Vous cliquez sur connecter et vous sélectionner la, ou les listes que vous voulez voir enrichies.

Nous allons alors :

  • Enrichir tous vos contacts déjà présents dans d'Hubspot (ou sur la liste que vous avez sélectionnée)
  • Enrichir tous les nouveaux contacts qui sont ajoutés, en temps réels.

Envoyer ces contacts enrichis aux autres outils de la stack

Maintenant que ces contacts Hubspot sont enrichis il faut pouvoir obtenir ces données dans les autres outils de votre stack

C’est ici qu’entre en scène le Hubspot Operation Hub qui à pour finalité de pouvoir synchroniser Hubspot avec les autres outils que vous utilisez.

Deux outils principaux ici : Intercom & Slack

  • Ajouter une note dans Slack avec la description de chaque nouvel utilisateur.

Connaissez-vous Exotec ? EcoVadis, Ivalua ?

Si un executive d'une boîte qui a levé des fonds la semaine dernière s'inscrit sur votre site, vous n'aimeriez pas le savoir en temps réel ?

Pour pouvoir reprendre la main sur vos automations ?

Pour tracker sa session en direct ?

Et bien voila.

Nous avons actuellement 50 sign up par jour sur datagma ; certains correspondent plus que d'autres à notre ICP (ideal customer profile) que ce soit sur la société (pour nous, SAAS, Cabinet de recrutement, ou encore mieux des SAAS dans le recrutement 🙂 ou pour la personne, que ce soit son rôle (Sales, Data, Growth) ou sa seniority (Head of, CXO)

Lorsqu'un user correspondant à l'ICP s'inscrit, je souhaite engager la conversion personnellement le plus rapidement possible.

Personnellement cela signifie que je souhaite le sortir de nos mails automatiques d'onboarding et lui envoyer directement un message que j'aurai rédigé moi-même.

J'ai donc relié Hubspot à Slack pour poster directement dans Slack tous les nouveaux sign up, avec tous les détails enrichis sur la personne.

Cela ressemble à ça :

Comme je suis connecté à Slack toute la journée, je ne manque jamais un sign up intéressant, alors que quand je n'avais que l'email dans la notification, je pouvais passer à côté de petites pépites (Je reprends mon exemple plus haut, mais un e-mail en ça ne parle pas, alors que 🦄 c'est déjà plus imagé.

Pour réaliser cette automation je passe par Zapier (Trigger : new contact in Hubspot --> Action Slack Message)

Trigger slack image

  • Enrichir tous les messages Intercom pour personnaliser l'onboarding

Intercom est le point centrale de notre onboarding et de notre marketing.

  • C'est d'Intercom que partent les messages d'onboarding

Nous avons un produit multiple, qui s'adresse tant aux développeurs (API) qu'aux sales (notre extension Chrome) ou au marketing (l'enrichissement CRM) , et en fonction l'onboarding doit être différent.

Comme nos e-mails d'onboarding partent d'Intercom, j'envoie toutes les données enrichies dans Hubspot directement dans Intercom, la encore grâce à l'application Hubspot pour Intercom dans le HubSpot operations Hub.

Je peux ensuite créer des règles pour l'envoie d'email, par exemple :

ou encore

Ainsi chaque user à un onboarding personnalsié en fonction de son rôle.

  • C'est Intercom qui nous sert de Live chat

Beaucoup de ventes se concluent en direct, en répondant à un user qui pose une question sur le chat.

Et j’aime avoir le maximum de contexte quand je converse avec quelqu'un.

Sur l’usage (et merci segment qui envoie toutes les données en direct à Intercom) mais également sur l’ICP. Qui est il, combien d'employée a la société ? Ont-ils levé des fonds ?

Autant de données intéressantes que Datagma met à ma disposition directement dans Intercom.

Comme vous le voyez les use cases sont illimités, à partir du moment où vous avez la donnée, vous avez plus de contrôle, et vous perdez moins de temps. Que vous soyez en PLG ou non, l'enrichissement des données est obligatoire et Datagma peut vous accompagner.


How to use the Datagma Chrome Extension

Use our Chrome extension to find contact details on LinkedIn.

tl;dr: the direct Link to download the extension:


There are two ways to use the extension:


  • Transform a LinkedIn search into an enriched CSV file with email addresses l or phone numbers.
  • Go on a single profile to get email or phone numbers and save it as a contact on Datagma


Scrap a LinkedIn Sales Navigator Search

Get contact information from an individual profile.

Enrich every new Hubspot contact in slack

new user image

Get a Slack notification with contact details for every new users.

Here is the story. You are a product-led growth website or a service where people need to book a demo. You must identify which account could be a good fit for your company and immediately alert your sales team. To do that, you need to have details about your contacts, and Datagma can deliver these details directly in slack! You can also replicate this in Integromat or N8N.

Here is how to proceed:

How to identify prospects who move to a new company

How to use Job Change Detection to identify my prospects who move to a new company

Here is the story. You are the new Head of Sales in a company. You open the CRM, and everything seems outdated. Contact had been there for five years. But it’s a goldmine! There are past users in these contacts, and instead of contacting cold people, you can get warm people who already know you and are easier to convert as customers.

But they now move to other companies !! So how can you identify them?

Here is how to proceed.


Identify specific people in a list of companies

Finding contacts within a list of companies

Here is the story. You have a list of companies that could be a good fit for your prospection.

Maybe because they use a specific technology, perhaps because they raised money recently, or they go to the same trade show as you.
In each of these companies, you need to identify people working at a specific job title; why not sales or recruiters? Or even you want to target by seniority and find the Head of, the CXO, and the SVP.
You can do it with Datagma, not by visiting each profile individually but by submitting your whole file, clapping your hands, and seeing it enriched in less than 2 minutes.

Here is how to proceed.


Enrich LinkedIn Data with mobile phone numbers

How to massively enrich LinkedIn Data with mobile phone numbers

Here is the story. You successfully scrape some LinkedIn Data using Evaboot, Captain Data, Phantombuster, TexAu, or the tools you are usually using.

Now you need to enrich this data with some Mobile Phone Numbers.
You can do it with Datagma, not by visiting each profile individually, but by submitting your whole file, clapping your hands, and seeing it enriched in less than 2 minutes.

Here is how to proceed.


How to use find specific employees in a list of companies

A lot of people come to see me with the same problem. “I have a list of websites, and I need to identify the CEO for each company on my list.”

It’s difficult to identify them, but what’s more difficult is to find their contact details.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could just find the email address or phone number of any top executive in any company that uses a specific technology?

In this article, I’m going to show you how you can find contact details of all the executives in a company that uses a particular software or tool. But this method can be used for any list of companies.

There are 3 steps to the process:

  1. Find a list of target companies or accounts using a particular technology
  2. Identify relevant people in those companies
  3. Find their email addresses

Let’s begin with step 1. (If you already have your list, you can directly go to step 2)

Step 1: Find a list of target companies or accounts using a particular technology.

Let’s say you work at a SaaS company which has a tool for marketers to manage their social media, and your pricing starts at $199 per month, and goes all the way up to $999 per month.

A good way to generate leads for you might be to find companies that use a similar product to solve a similar problem.

Or maybe, your product team has built a product integration with another tool like HubSpot. And you want to find out companies that are using HubSpot.

So how’d you do that?

Here at Datagma we are using BuiltWith, even if tons of tools exist.

BuiltWith has a list of 38000+ tools and technologies that it monitors for over a whopping 250 million websites. It is much bigger than Datanyze and is much easier to get started.

On searching for companies using HubSpot, it found a total of 711,065 websites, out of which 227,348 were live at that time.

Over 480,000 websites had used HubSpot at some point.

You can start with Builtwith for $295 a month with basic features, but I recommend using the Pro version with unlimited access for $495 a month.

A list of companies using HubSpot – BuiltWith

BuiltWith Plans & Pricing



Step 2: Identify relevant people in those companies

Now, it’s time to head over to Datagma and search for people in these companies.

In this article I want to test a new interactive format. Click on the blue dot to go to the next step:

More info about the score:

Each lead has been provided with two types of scores:

  1. Role Score
  2. Company Score


Role Score: 

A role score is an estimate of confidence in the role you are looking for. For example, you are looking for a Head of Sales, but a VP of Sales or Sales Director are also the roles that you might be interested in.

There can also be different Head of Sales for different regions or countries where the role score is quite useful.

A CEO of a smaller firm might use the title Founder or Owner or Director and these are all scored closer to 1, if you are looking for contact with the CEO title.

A role score identifies other roles that are similar to the one you’re looking for, and gives you an idea of other roles that you may want to look at.


Company Score:

Let’s say you are interested in contacting the Head of Sales at Syntel, but in this data, you found a profile who works at Atos Syntel. They might be the same companies, or they might not be.

Our algorithm gives a score to companies that might actually be similar to what you’re searching for.

In this case, the algorithm gave a company score of 0.75 to this contact.

Anything above 0.5 is worth giving a second thought. In this case, we did a quick google search to find out the relation between Atos Syntel and Syntel.

And we found out that Syntel was actually bought by Atos, and now they’re the same company.

Our algorithm understands each company with several names and gives you a company confidence score.

Now that you have a list of 10 contacts for each target company that have profiles or titles similar to or exactly what you’re looking for, the next step is to find their email addresses.


Step 3: Find their email addresses

You can use the filtering option in your spreadsheet to sort contacts by their company score or role score, and find their email address using Datagma File Upload.

Click the File Upload icon on the left-side pane, then choose Find Email option.

Upload your file (in .csv or Excel formats) and verify the field mapping identified by the tool.

For the purpose of finding email addresses, it is sufficient to confirm mapping of Full Name and Company Name fields.



Once you do that, the tool will give you the email addresses of your list in less than 2 minutes.

You can export this file into CSV or XLSX formats as well.

There you go.

Now you have a list of contacts with their email address, for your prospecting or outreach campaigns.

If you are prospecting or outreaching for your business, Datagma helps you with:

  1. Identifying the right contacts (and similar profiles)
  2. Finding their email addresses (and also phone & company details if needed) to contact.

Go ahead and give it a try.




Boost your outreach to recently funded companies for free (before everyone else finds out!)

Are you a blogger or a journalist who writes about recently funded companies? or a B2B company looking to reach out to startups who’ve been funded recently? Are you looking for a new job, or you might be an executive search firm trying to help startup founders build their team.

Then you might be scouring through Techcrunch and other startup media to find out about newly funded startups, right?
By the time you read about a startup that you want to contact, find their decision-makers, and contact them, everyone in your industry has already contacted them.

In the game of outreach, timing is everything. If you don’t connect with somebody when they need your product or service, converting the client can take weeks or months.

What if you could find out about recently funded companies before everybody else and get their contact details as well in real-time? You’d feel more powerful than before, right?


That’s where Datagma comes in!

Datagma has built a new tool that lets you find out all the recently funded startups in any country in real-time. And because we are an enrichment tool, we integrated our powerful search engine to also provide you with the email addresses and the mobile phone numbers of their employees, as well as their Linkedin profile. And it’s completely free (for the first 1000 users only)!


Recently Funded Companies Database

Datagma’s bot reads more than 80 000 finance and tech news article everyday and thanks to our natural langage processing technology we are able to extract from these articles information about company that are being funded recently before it is widely available to everyone. We can also extract more information about the funding such as the investor name, investment amount, date of investment, etc.

Thanks to our crawling technology, you get more company details such as URL, logo, description, location, industry, employee count, founding year, etc. You can also get personal contact information of the employees such as their email address, phone number and Linkedin profile. We’ll talk about it in the next section.

The database is very flexible so you can filter data to get what you want or use sorting to get the priority order. Here are some use cases:


How to find all the companies who have raised $10 million and above in the past one week?

Step 1: Filter the “Funding Date” and select “is” and “one week ago”

Step 2: Sort the table by “Funding Amount” (Z -> A)

How to find all the companies who have raised funds in New York in the last quarter?

Step 1: Filter the “Funding Date” and select “is” and “one month ago”

Step 2: Filter the “Country” and select “is” and “New York”

There’s so much more that you can do with this database. Another example is if you’re a startup trying to raise funds, you can filter companies based on your sector and see who invested in that sector the most. Contact those investors with your pitch.

I highly recommend you to play around with it and see how you can get so much useful information in just a few minutes.


Our unfair advantage – verified emails only

Datagma is the most accurate email finder tool in the market that provides verified, professional emails only. We have integrated our powerful contact search engine with this database to provide you with the email addresses (and phone numbers) of the key people in these companies. 

All our emails are verified with a deliverability rate of 95% across all industries and markets. And that you can’t get from any other tool … certainly not for free!

Most of these “recently funded companies” databases do not provide any contact information or they just provide you with the generic company email or phone number, which is completely useless.

But our funding database provides you with accurate emails that get delivered and phone numbers that get picked up by the founders. And this database is updated daily.


With our database, you can get email addresses of anyone who works in that company with the click of a button and that differentiates this database from any other out there.

3 ways to connect with the founders of recently funded startups

Using this list, you can connect with the founders of companies that are recently funded in three ways:


  1. Send them an email: Get free, verified email addresses of any C-LEVEL in the company. Reach out to them personally with how you can help them or send them a personalized email that’s short and to the point.
  2. Connect on Linkedin: You can also get the linkedin profiles of all the people in a company and reach out to them via Linkedin message. You can use a LinkedIn automation tool or not. Keep your message short and concise. You can also refer to the emails that you had sent them.
  3. Call them on their direct dial phone number: With Datagma’s mobile phone search, you can get direct dials of any founder or employee. If you have something really useful for them that they should hear about, do not hesitate to call them and let them know after you’ve sent them an email or contacted them on Linkedin.

There you go! Use these methods to find recently funded companies and connect with their co-founders.


Recently Funded Companies List – Who should use it?

If you’re wondering what you can do with this database and whether or not you need this, think of it as a list of companies that have received a large amount of cash which they are going to spend over the next couple of weeks or months to buy new tools, service, hire people and build their infrastructure.


    • Are you a blogger or a journalist looking to interview the founders of startups, these are your potential interviewees. They are also looking to promote their startups so reach out first before they are everywhere.
    • Are you a B2B company and are selling your services or products to startups, then this database is your goldmine.
    • Are you an executive search company? Recently funded startups are going to hire their new Sales Director or CIO or Marketing Head. Reach out and help them.
    • Are you a MarTech tool? How can you help these companies grow by using your tool? Let them know.
    • Are you a real estate agent? Well, these growing companies need a larger office next month. Can you find one before your competitors do? Connect with them
    • Are you looking for a job at a growing startup. ? If yes you can literally go through this database and reach out to the founders directly, before they publish a job announcement and start getting hundreds of CVs.


And you can access this database for free (for the first 1000 users only! Sign up now here).

Please use this database to get a head-start over everyone else in reaching out to these startups in an easy and most seamless manner. Remember not to spam and take the time to learn about these companies and reach out with your personalized request. 

To access the database, just sign up to a free Datagma account and you can get the whole database of recently funded startups and their decision-makers’ email addresses and phone numbers  for free. We are offering this service to the first 1000 users for free so don’t wait any longer.