Category: Uncategorized

How to enrich a list of Twitter accounts with email addresses?

B2B Data Enrichment

How to enrich a list of Twitter accounts with email addresses?

Want to send an email to people who follow your account?

Or to those who follow your competitors?

Or just build a personalized audience for retargetting?

Here’s the solution

All you need to do is sit back, relax with a cup of coffee, and in under 2 minutes, we will enrich your Twitter account list with email addresses.
Here are the steps to follow.

How to Extract the Best Candidate Details from LinkedIn Profiles Effectively?

Extract The Best Candidate Details for business

How to Extract the Best Candidate Details from LinkedIn Profiles Effectively?

Are you looking to find the perfect candidates for your job openings? Datagma is a powerful tool to help recruiters extract the best candidate details from LinkedIn profiles. But how do you find contact details of the best candidate from these profiles? In this blog post, we’ll look into how Datagma helps recruiters find the right people for their teams.

Extract Best Candidate Details

With Datagma, you can easily get essential information such as verified email addresses, mobile phone numbers, former positions, job titles, recruitment dates, and other contact details through LinkedIn profiles. Say goodbye to the hassle of manual searches—It simplifies the process, allowing you to focus on connecting with the best potential candidates for your job openings.

Can you Export a CSV from LinkedIn?

The answer is Yes, you can easily export LinkedIn search results to CSV or Excel

However, with the help of a data-extracting tool, a Chrome extension like Datagma exports the list of searches to an Excel or CSV file. This makes it convenient for recruiters and businesses to get business email addresses and phone numbers. Say goodbye to manual data entry hassles and get the list of data for all your needs.

Explore 3 Quick Steps for Building Leads and Finding Candidates

Here are the 3 quick steps to find the best candidate for building B2B leads:

1. Get Leads for Your Business:

Whether you’re a marketer, salesperson, or business owner, this method is a goldmine to get leads for your business. By exporting leads, you create a pool of qualified prospects for targeted LinkedIn outreach campaigns, cold emails, or other engagement channels, enhancing your ability to connect with the right audience.

2. Update your CRM Contacts:

It is possible to import the results of your LinkedIn search into Excel and then upload it to your CRM database if you manage your B2B leads and customers using CRM (customer relationship management) software.

Every year, email marketing databases degrade by roughly 22.5%. As a result, you must have a plan to make up for these lost contacts. Datagma keeps your CRM updated. Additionally, it automatically updates your CRM with the most latest and comprehensive data.

3. Find Contact Details:

LinkedIn will help you to find email and phone numbers to connect with possible candidates for open positions if you are a hiring manager, recruiter or employer. 

Find Contact Details

By extracting data from LinkedIn to Excel or CSV, you create a list of qualified candidates that meet your needs. Use this list for outreach through emails, messages, or other channels, making your hiring process smoother and more personalized.

Why Choose Datagma to Find Contact Details?

Datagma has its Chrome extension that works alongside your main browser window within LinkedIn, Email addresses, Phone numbers, CRM, and company websites to give you detailed information on companies and contacts, as well as helps you to find verified email addresses and phone numbers with just a click. Additionally, by logging in at, you can access extra features beyond the extension.

How To Export Linkedin Search Results?

Here are the steps to extract contact details of right candidate from LinkedIn with the help of Datagma:

Step 1: Sign Up for Datagma

The first step is to sign up for Datagma on our user-friendly platform. Datagma is a powerful tool that can help you get email addresses from LinkedIn profiles. You can create a free account or explore our paid plans for more extensive features

Step 2: Install the Datagma Extension and Connect with LinkedIn

Now, you need to install the Datagma extension for your web browser. After installation click on our Chrome extension, then click on any LinkedIn profile or a search result to get started seeing more information on every target and start finding mobile phone numbers and email addresses of best candidates for your job.

Datagma Chrome Extension to Find Contact Details


What’s the best part?

Additionally, Datagma:

  • Cleans up your data.
  • Removes incorrect positive results in your search
  • Find and verify email addresses and phone numbers.

Benefits of Using Datagma for Candidate Extraction

  • Quick User Scraping

This extension helps turn Sales Navigator searches into CSV or excel files fast, making it easier to organize and handle data smoothly. It will allow you to scrap 2500 users per day within less than 1 minute.

  • Track Recent Job Changes

It is a smart move to target people who have recently started new jobs, such as employees, sales managers, or marketing directors. With Datagma, you can track job changes of individuals to find the best candidate for your specific needs. This tool helps in finding the best individuals who have just switched into roles that match your employment needs and preferences.

  • Comprehensive Information: 

With Datagma, you get a full view of candidates’ names, Job titles, Job Experiences, Education, and other essential details from their LinkedIn profiles. It gathers the information into easily accessible formats, providing recruiters with a thorough overview of possible candidates.

  • Direct Communication: 

Datagma provides contact details such as email addresses or phone numbers from LinkedIn profiles, enabling direct communication with prospective candidates. This direct connection streamlines the recruitment process.



In conclusion, Datagma is your go-to tool for effortlessly extracting top-notch candidate details from LinkedIn profiles. With its user-friendly features and customizable filters, it streamlines the hiring process, ensuring you find the perfect fit for your team quickly and efficiently.

Maximising Sales Navigator and Datagma: A Strategic Guide to Networking in Sales

LinkedIn Sales Nav pic

Leveraging Sales Navigator and Datagma for Strategic Networking in Sales

In the ever-evolving world of sales, the judicious use of Sales Navigator, particularly for targeting individuals who have recently changed jobs, is crucial. This approach, combined with the innovative features of the Datagma Chrome extension, revolutionizes how sales professionals can maximize their outreach.


Targeting Recent Job Changes for Effective Prospecting

Focusing on individuals who have recently transitioned to new roles, such as new Vice Presidents and Chief Revenue Officers, is incredibly beneficial in Sales Navigator. These professionals, often more open to new ideas and strategies, are in a phase of proving their worth in their new roles. This openness makes them ideal for initiating meaningful conversations.

Sales Navigator scraping page with Datagma Chrome Extension opened on the right side and the "Scape job change" fonction on.

Why Recent Job Changes Matter

  1. Refreshing Perspectives: Individuals who have recently changed jobs bring fresh perspectives and are often more receptive to new connections. This receptivity is similar to the early stages of a relationship, akin to the time when one might give roses to their wife every day to cherish and nurture the relationship.
  2. A Non-Sales Approach: The goal of contacting these professionals is not to immediately sell something, but rather to initiate a conversation. This method builds rapport and establishes trust, which can be more effective in the long term.
  3. Streamlining with Datagma Chrome Extension: The Datagma Chrome extension offers a revolutionary feature for users of Sales Navigator. This tool simplifies the process of identifying individuals who have recently changed jobs, allowing users to effortlessly transform their Sales Navigator searches into Excel files.


File Uploaded from sales navigator

Key Features of the Datagma Chrome Extension

  • Easy Conversion to Excel: The extension enables users to quickly turn Sales Navigator searches into CSV files, streamlining data management.
  • Efficiency and Simplicity: The tool is designed for ease of use, free from complex processes or cookie requirements. It’s as simple as clicking on the extension while on any search page.
  • Compatibility with Various Searches: It works with both searches and contact lists in Sales Navigator, offering versatility.
  • Job Change Detection Module: A specific module for detecting job changes provides detailed information about the individual’s former position, job title, recruitment date, etc.
  • Enhancement with Datagma File Upload Features: The Excel file generated can be uploaded to Datagma for further enhancement with email or mobile numbers, or used with other competitive tools.


Sales Nav with file download datagma option


The strategic use of Sales Navigator, especially when targeting individuals who have recently changed jobs, combined with the innovative Datagma Chrome extension, offers a powerful approach for sales professionals. By focusing on initiating conversations rather than direct selling and leveraging advanced tools for efficient data management, sales professionals can significantly enhance their networking and prospecting strategies.

With these tools, the process of connecting with new leaders in sales becomes more efficient and effective, paving the way for meaningful business relationships and long-term success in the dynamic world of sales.

How to Get a Business Email Address in 2024?

Find Contact Detail


How to Get a Business Email Address in 2024?

Finding someone’s email address can be a challenge, but it’s essential for businesses and individuals alike. Email is still the most effective way to reach people, and having the right email address is essential for building relationships and generating leads.

In this blog post, we’ll share six effective ways to find someone’s email address in 2024. We’ll also discuss the importance of finding verified email addresses and why Datagma is the top choice for finding email addresses online.


Why It’s Important to Find Verified Email Addresses for Your Business?

Finding verified email addresses is important for your business because it ensures that your emails are being delivered to the right people and reaching their inbox. When you send emails to invalid email addresses, they’ll either bounce or end up in the spam folder. This can damage your sender reputation and make it more difficult to reach your target audience.
According to a study by Statista, the average email open rate is 21.33%. This means that over 78% of people don’t even open the emails they receive. However, the open rate for targeted emails is much higher, at around 30%. This means that if you’re sending emails to verified email addresses, you’re more likely to reach your target audience and get them to open your emails.
In addition, finding verified email addresses can help you to connect with the right people. For example, if you’re looking for a new supplier, you can use a tool like Datagma to find email addresses online of decision-makers at potential suppliers. This will help you to save time and get in touch with the people who are most likely to be interested in your product or service.


A Step-by-Step Guide to Find Business Email Addresses Online

1. Search Engine:

Utilizing search engines is a fundamental method for finding email addresses. You begin by inputting the person’s name along with any other pertinent details into a search engine. While it’s a free and accessible option, the results can vary in accuracy. This method depends on the availability of information about the individual online. It is a valuable starting point when you lack additional tools or subscriptions to specialized services. It’s suitable for personal or professional contacts, but its reliability depends on the extent of the individual’s online presence. The downside is that it may be time-consuming to sift through search results, and it might not always yield accurate or up-to-date information.

Search Engine


2. Use a Social Media Search:

Many social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter, allow users to add their email addresses to their profiles. This feature makes it a simple way to “find email addresses” when you’re searching for personal contacts. For personal interactions, this approach can be quite effective, and it’s straightforward to implement. However, its primary drawback is that it’s not ideal for professional use. Moreover, the success of this method largely depends on the user’s privacy settings. If their email address is not publicly visible on their profile, you may not be able to access it. Nonetheless, for personal networking, social media platforms can be a valuable resource in your quest to connect with friends, acquaintances, or individuals sharing common interests.

Social Media Search

3. Email Verification Tools:

Email verification tools like and are designed to provide accurate and find verified email addresses. These tools are particularly effective when your goal is to obtain a high degree of accuracy. They require you to input the person’s name and any additional information available. While they offer a high level of precision, most email verification tools come at a cost, often requiring a subscription or payment. Therefore, this approach may be best suited for those who are willing to invest in the accuracy and quality of the email addresses they obtain. It’s a method that can be applied to both personal and professional contacts, making it versatile in various communication contexts. By using email verification tools, you can significantly increase the chances of connecting with the right people efficiently and effectively.

Email Verification Tools


4. Datagma Chrome Extension to Find Contact Details:

The Datagma Chrome extension offers a streamlined and user-friendly method for “finding email addresses online.” Once you’ve installed this extension, you can navigate to the relevant webpage and click the extension icon to access contact details. It is a paid service, and the cost may vary, but it can save you time and effort while ensuring a high level of accuracy. This extension is highly user-friendly, making it accessible to individuals with varying levels of technical expertise. It’s particularly beneficial for those who prioritize accuracy and efficiency in their efforts to obtain verified email addresses. Whether your goal is personal or professional, the Datagma Chrome extension can be a valuable asset, providing a straightforward and effective approach to securing accurate email addresses.

Datagma Chrome Extension to Find Contact Details

5. LinkedIn:

When you’re specifically looking for professional contacts, LinkedIn is a highly effective platform. Users often include their email addresses in the “Contact Info” section of their LinkedIn profiles, making it a reliable source for obtaining verified email addresses. LinkedIn is ideal for business-related connections, and the information you find is generally trustworthy. However, this method is limited to LinkedIn users and may not be as effective for personal contacts. For professional networking and B2B outreach, this approach can greatly enhance your ability to connect with the right individuals. It is a targeted and credible method for “finding email addresses” in a professional context.

LinkedIn Datagma

6. Company Websites:

Companies often maintain websites that provide contact information for their employees. Commonly, this data is accessible on pages like “Contact Us” or “Team.” When you’re looking to reach out to individuals within specific organizations, checking the company website is an effective approach. It is a reliable method for professional contacts, allowing you to connect with the right person within a specific business. Nonetheless, not all companies may have detailed contact information readily available on their websites. In such cases, the approach may not yield the desired results. This method is generally not as suitable for personal contacts, as company websites tend to focus on professional and business-related connections. The key to success with this method is identifying companies that maintain thorough and up-to-date websites with employee contact information.


Why Datagma Is the Top Choice for Finding Email Address Online

Datagma is the best website to find email addresses, including business professionals details. Datagma has a database of over 1 billion email addresses, and it’s constantly being updated.


Other benefits of Datagma:

In addition to being easy to use, affordable, and accurate, Datagma also offers a number of other benefits, including:

  • Chrome Extension: Datagma has a Chrome extension, which means that you can use it while you’re browsing the web. This is very convenient, as you don’t need to switch to a different website or app to find email addresses online.
  • Large Database of Email Addresses: Datagma has a large database of email addresses, which means that it is more likely to find the email address you’re looking for.
  • Verified Email Addresses: Datagma verifies email addresses before it displays them to you. This means that you can be confident that the email addresses you find are accurate and active.
  • Real-time Data: Datagma’s database of email addresses is updated in real time. This means that you can always be sure that you’re getting the most up-to-date contact information.
  • Affordable Prices: Datagma is also very affordable. You can get a free account that gives you access to 100 email searches per month. If you need more searches, you can upgrade to a paid subscription for just $10 per month.


Finding someone’s email address can be a challenge, but it’s important for businesses and individuals alike. By following the tips in this blog post, you’ll be able to find contact details you need to connect with the right people and grow your business.

How to enrich a LinkedIn search with thousands of verified emails?

B2B Data Enrichment

How to massively enrich LinkedIn Data with mobile verifier email addresses

You’ve successfully scraped some LinkedIn data using tools like Evaboot, Captain Data, Phantombuster, TexAu, etc.

However, you must now enhance this data with verified work email addresses.

Luckily, with Datagma, you can avoid visiting each profile individually and instead submit your entire file for enrichment.

All you need to do is sit back, relax with a cup of coffee, and in under 2 minutes, we will enrich your data.
Here are the steps to follow.

How to use Company Data

Different ways to use company data returned by Datagma. 


Datagma returns over 60 data points about the company, including money raised, locations, number of employees, website traffic, and technologies.

There are several ways to use it, like lead scoring, CRM enrichment, or slack alerts.

Here are a few guides about how we use company data at Datagma

How to automate B2B lead prioritization with Datagma and Zapier


Enrich every new Hubspot contact in slack

The phone numbers API guide

Phone Numbers Lookup API, the comparison


You are using a tool like Captain Data, Clay or Surf, and you need to integrate a phone numbers lookup API inside.

There are several elements to consider when choosing such API, but the most important are price and accuracy.

In this article, you will find a complete comparison to help you make the best choice.



Number of Mobile phone numbers found by API


One of the most important things when buying a phone numbers API is the number of phone numbers you can find.

It's useless to pay for a service that will not find anything.

So we proceeded to do a few tests; we bought subscriptions to Lusha, Apollo, Kaspr, and Datagma.

We conducted a simple experiment. First, we scraped 400 random LinkedIn profiles using Captain Data template named Search Sales Navigator Leads.

phone numbers found by API

The search criteria we used were location (respectively, North America, United Kingdom and India), job title (marketing and CEO), headcount (51-200 and 5000-10,000), and industries (Software Development, Banking, and Healthcare).

We then enriched the data with phone numbers using Captain Data Integration.

Captain Data Integration image

Here is the result we got:


India Sample Datagma Lusha Kaspr Apollo
Total numbers found 102 58 61 6
% of numbers found 77% 44% 46% 3%
Only mobile numbers Yes No No No


Then we also did the same on a UK sample.


UK Sample Datagma Lusha Kaspr Apollo
Total numbers found 104 30 58 29
% of numbers found 69% 29% 44% 22%
Only mobile numbers Yes No No No

Some extract of our test process :

our test process


US Sample Datagma Lusha Kaspr Apollo
Total numbers found 98 54 51 85
% of numbers found 74% 41% 39% 64%
Only mobile numbers Yes No No No

Of course, these numbers must be taken into perspective with other factors. Are the number correct? Hard to say, as you need to call everyone.

But some phone numbers you paid are landline numbers; in this case, you spent way too much. In the detailed explanation below, you will see that on a list of "mobile numbers" sold by Apollo, only 11% were mobile numbers, and the other 89% was landline numbers;

Price of Phone Numbers API comparison

After the number of phones found, the second criterion we must compare is pricing:

Feature Datagma Lusha Kaspr Apollo
Price per phone number $0.58 (Premium plan) $0.75 (Premium plan) $0.6 2$
Emails included Yes, between 3750 and 45 000 No. 1 credit = 1 email No. 1 credit = 1 email Yes, 10 000
Pausing account available Yes No No No
Credits Roll Over Yes Yes Yes No
Email verification Yes, by Neverbounce No No Don't know
API Access Starting at $39 a month Starting at $7000 a year Starting at $7000 a year Starting at $49 a month
Ability to only have mobile phone numbers. Yes No No No



Price per credit and API Access

All services do not offer API in all their plans.

For Kaspr & Lusha you need to take the enterprise plan (named Scale on Lusha, and Custom on Kaspr) to access the API.

These plans begin at an average of $7000 a year, so it's only affordable for some.

Datagma and Apollo offer API access in all plans. They start at $39 for Datagma and &49 for Apollo. 

Secondly, it's interesting to check the price paid per number.

The more expensive your plans are, the less the price per phone number is.

For example, for Lusha, in the Pro plan, the price is $0.,75 per credit; for Datagma it's 0.58 per credit; and for Kaspr, it's 0.6 per credit, while for Apollo, it's $2 per phone number. 

However, you can buy extra Apollo credits, starting at 0.20 per phone number, but they do not rollover; if you don't use them immediately, you lose them. With Kaspr, you will pay 730 euros for 1000 credits.

Kaspr charge 1000 credits for 730 euros

Ability to only have mobile phone numbers.

When you use a chrome extension, you usually have a preview of the data you will get, so for some phone numbers; you can preview if it's mobile phone numbers or not. 

However, this feature is not available with API for all services.

It is available for Datagma, where all the numbers we give you are certified Mobile Direct Line Phone Numbers.

You will pay only for mobile phone numbers. If the phone delivered is not a mobile phone, you are not paying anything.

Apollo says they only deliver mobile phone numbers, but when you check deeply, you can see that half the numbers they give are not mobile phone numbers.

For example, we did a little test with Apollo, asking them to enrich a list of French C-Level (we use French people cause it's easier for us to see if the numbers are mobile or not, as all mobile number in France begins with +33 6 or +33 7)

In this file, all the numbers in yellow are sold as mobile numbers, but they are landline numbers.

And further, all numbers in red are not french numbers, so those numbers are not false. Only one seems correct on a list of 9 phone numbers, meaning you pay 9x the price.

phone numbers details

Unlike Datagma, with Lusha & Kaspr, you can choose to have only phone numbers.

This way, you will be charged only if the API delivers you a phone number, but you cannot specify to have only mobile phone numbers. 

It will happen that you will pay for landline numbers, but of course, mobile phone numbers have different values than HQ phone numbers, so you are paying too much for something useless.

Moreover, with Kaspr, if you specify in the API the settings: Only phone numbers (even landline) will you pay twice the price like you can see in this Kaspr documentation:

Lusha do not give you only mobile phone numbers


Rollover of credits

Rollover of credits means that your unused credits will continue to roll over each month as long as you have a subscription to a service.

This way, you are not in a hurry at the end of the month to burn all your non-spent credits. 

Lusha, Datagma, and Kaspr propose this feature but not by Apollo;

It means you have to calculate precisely what you need cause Apollo will put every credit remaining in the trash. 

Apollo do not rollover credits at the end of the month

Account pausing

What happens when you stop your subscription?

With Apollo, Kaspr & Lusha, you will lose your unused credits, but with Datagma, you can pause your account as many times as you want. 

This way, you get your credits back when you decide to take a new plan! 

Pause your Datagma account to do not lose your credits


Numbers of free emails included.

We all know that email and mobile phone numbers do not have the same value.
So it's weird when you use Lusha or Kaspr to pay the same price for an email and a phone.

Both services charge you one credit by email.

Even if here we are speaking about API to find mobile phone numbers, it's fair to add that Apollo and Datagma offer many emails in all their plans.

For Apollo, even if they call this unlimited, it's only 10 000 emails per month, and for Datagma, it's between (3750 and 45 000).


So which one to choose?

In conclusion, when choosing a phone number lookup service, it's essential to consider several factors.

These include the availability of API access, the price per credit or phone number, the rollover of credits, the ability only to have mobile phone numbers, and the number of free emails included in the plan.

While some services like Kaspr and Lusha require an enterprise plan for API access, Datagma and Apollo offer it in all their plans at a lower cost.

Additionally, Datagma and Apollo allow for only mobile phone numbers to be charged, while Kaspr and Lusha may charge for landline numbers as well.

Finally, the inclusion of free emails varies across services. Considering these factors, individuals and businesses can choose the phone number lookup service that best fits their needs and budget.

Lusha alternative

Datagma the best alternative to Lusha

Why is Datagma an alternative to Lusha?

Are you looking for a Lusha Alternative? In this article, we will compare the key points between Lusha & Datagma, including pricing, % of phones numbers found, features, and email accuracy.

Lusha has built a great product to help companies find phone numbers. And suppose you’re here because you’re evaluating Datagma vs. Lusha or looking for Lusha alternatives. In that case, you’re already doing the right thing by finding a product that will help your sales team have more contact information.

However, before engaging, it’s essential to compare the pros and cons of each tool before choosing.

We are here to help you decide.


I can imagine that you do not want to read the whole article; in this case, a table summarizes all the pros and cons of using Lusha over Datagma.


Feature Datagma Lusha
Price per phone number $0.58 (Premium plan) $0.75 (Premium plan)
Emails included Yes, between 3750 and 45 000 No. 1 credit = 1 email
Pausing account available Yes No, all unused credits are lost at unsubscribe
Credits Roll Over Yes Yes
Email verification Yes, by Neverbounce No
API Access Starting at $39 a month Starting at $7000 a year
CSV Enrichment Starting at $69 a month Starting at $7000 a year
Use of filters in the search engine Yes (Only Fourth) Yes (More than 10)
Chrome Extension Yes Yes
% of phone numbers found US 72% 46%
% of phone numbers found India 77% 44%

Now let’s enter in details and check if Datagma could be a real Lusha alternative.

What Datagma and Lusha do

First, let’s see what you can do with Lusha and Datagma.


  • Find contact information for your ideal customers, including email addresses, phone numbers, and social media profiles from a website search engine

A search engine to find phone numbers of your LinkedIn contact


  • Use a Chrome Extension to find data while you are browsing LinkedIn.

Find phone numbers and emails directly while browsing LinkedIn with Chrome Extension


  • Use File Upload (CSV Enrichment) feature to enrich thousands of contacts with up-to-date mobile phone numbers.

Upload a CSV file to enhance it with phone numbers


  • Use API to integrate various tools like CRM, email senders, automation tools, etc., for faster prospections.

Use the Datagma documentation to integrate our API everywhere

You might be asking – if you could do all these on both platforms, then what’s the difference between Datagma and Lusha?


The pros of choosing Datagma as Lusha Alternative

Let’s first look at the benefits of using Datagma, then we’ll see where Lusha is better;


Datagma found more phone numbers than Lusha

The majority of people are using Lusha to find phone numbers, so when they look for a Lusha Alternativ, they look for a tool able to find as many phone numbers as Lusha;

We realized a simple test: we scraped 400 random people on Linkedin in Linkedin Sales Navigator using Evaboot, a scraping tool. 

Here are the search criteria we used in the order (Location, Title, Headcount, industries)

  • United States, marketing, 51-200, Software Development & Banking (200 people)
  • India, finance, 5000 – 10 000, Healthcare (200 people)


We got these files:

Then we enrich it with phone numbers (via the File Upload feature, also named CSV Enrichment) in Datagma. 

For Lusha, we do not have access to CSV Enrichment, so we had to visit each profile manually. It takes 12 hours for a freelancer we hired on Upwork. (and cost us money 🙂 )

Here is what we found

Datagma find more phone numbers on US Market


US Sample Datagma Lusha
Total rows 200 200
Total numbers found 146 92
% of numbers found 72% 46%
Only mobile numbers yes no

And for the India sample :

Datagma find more phone numbers on Indian market

India Sample Datagma Lusha
Total rows 200 200
Total numbers found 154 88
% of numbers found 77% 44%
Only mobile numbers yes no

So If you are looking for mobile phone numbers, it’s better to choose Datagma.

Datagma finds mobile phone numbers by CSV Enrichment.


With Datagma, you can upload CSV or Excel files to find up to 50 000 mobile phone numbers in minutes, while with Lusha, you have to visit each profile to find their phone numbers which is a painfully slow way to prospect. 


This feature alone could save you hours every week if you’re planning to make outbound calls.

When choosing the right tool, you must look at the ones that can speed up your prospecting workflow.


Here is an interactive demo about how you can find 10 000 phone numbers same time with Datagma. Click on the blue tooltip to play with the demo.


The CSV enrichment is available on Lusha , but only on their enterprise plan, that start at $7000 a month, while you can enjoy it with Datagma for $69. 


You could also use Datagma’s file upload feature to find all the employees in up to 1000 companies at a time:


The File upload feature also allows you to  Track job change detection for up to 1000 contacts


If you want to speed up your prospecting workflow, sign up with Datagma now.


Extensive API and integrations available with Datagma

If you want to automate your workflow or connect to your CRM, Datagma has built an open API and ready-made integrations with Zapier, Make, N8N, Captain Data, Clay, Surfe (Leadjet), etc. 

Integrate datagma with more than 3000 saas tools

We are working on adding more integrations every month. 

You can even build your own tools integrations, as the API is open and easy to use. 

Lusha also has an extensive API starting at $7000 per year. This can be a substantial amount for most teams. While there’s no extra cost for using Datagma API, it’s included in all our plans.

Another critical difference between Datagma and Lusha API is that Lusha API will give you the HQ phone numbers, while Datagma will only provide mobile phone numbers.

You can find Datagma API documentation here.


Lower pricing for phone credits with datagma

Lusha charges you between $0.98 (on Pro plan) and $0.75 (on Premium plan), while Datagma phone numbers will cost you between $0.6 and $0.58.

Datagma is less expensive than Lusha


As you can see, with Datagma, each phone number will cost you between 30% and 60% less than Lusha. 

Moreover, with Datagma, you don’t pay anything for the landline phone numbers. If we do not find mobile phone numbers, we do not charge you anything. We charge credits only when at least we find a mobile phone number.

There’s no add-on pricing. All the integrations, email verification, and API are available in the lower plan in Datagma.


Thousands of verified emails are included with Datagma.

Lusha charges you the same credit for phone numbers and email addresses, which comes to $0.86 on their cheapest plan, while the smallest paid plan at Datagma comes with 3850 work-verified emails included.

With Datagma, you can get 8000 verified emails for $69 a month. 

Our email accuracy and deliverability are higher than Lusha because we verified all the emails with Neverbounce – the industry’s more trusted email verification solution. 

With Datagma, you’re getting more verified emails, whereas, with Lusha, you’re getting outdated data. 

You can use Neverbounce or any other email verification service to verify email addresses from Lusha, but you’re going to pay extra and spend even more time on getting accurate email addresses.

 Our pricing is more friendly to bigger teams with higher needs. on emails; 


Hubspot automatic enrichment & Job Change Detection

Datagma provides automatic enrichment of your Hubstpot and Pipedrive (others CRMs are coming). Whenever you create a contact in the CRM, we add relevant information about him and his company, including more than 70 custom properties (Here is the list of enriched custom properties in Hubspot). 

This way, you can customize your outreach, prioritize your inbound leads, assign them to the right sales, do slack alert, once you activate Hubspot Enrichment, there is plenty of things to do. 

Datagma automatically enrich your Hubspot

Moreover, when one of your contacts moves to a new company, we can detect this change in real time and inform you, so instead of calling cold people, you outreach warm people who already know you. 

It’s easier to convert someone who was already in contact with you than someone you never talked to him in the past. 

The job change detection in Hubspot feature exists in Datagma but not in Lusha, reinforcing our tool as an alternative to Lusha. 


Possibility to pause your Datagma account

Both Lusha and Datagma propose the rollovers on the unused credits.
On monthly plans, your unused credits will continue to roll over each month as long as you have a subscription.

But with Lusha, when you end your subscription, all the credits you have been lost forever. Lusha can put all the credits you paid in the trash.

However, in Datagma, you can pause your account for symbolic fees and keep your credits warm during your pause. Then, when you want to activate your account, your credits will be waiting for you!

Pause your Datagma account to do not lose your credits

Here is another reason which makes Datagma a solid alternative to Lusha.


Pros of Using Lusha over Datagma 

We suggest Datagma as an alternative to Lusha, but for the reasons below, you might prefer Lusha.

Lusha offers more filters in his search engine. 

As you know, Datagma does not have a database, and we make every request in real time by crawling publicly accessible sources on the internet.

This way, we are sure not to have any outdated data.

For this reason, our website search filter are limited: Full Name, Company, Role, and Location.

If you are looking for more elaborated filters like the technology used, or company size, you will not find them in Datagma.

However, there are several solutions to bypass this.

The best way is to use LinkedIn as your search engine and export and use Datagma to enrich the results.

First, you can use the Datagma Chrome Extension to reveal the email and phone number of targets directly by browsing a LinkedIn profile,

Secondly, you can use a third-party tool like Evaboot to scrap LinkedIn search results massively and then enrich LinkedIn URLs with mobile phone numbers by using the File Upload (CSV enrichment) feature.


Lusha extension offers a lot of possibilities.

Unlike Datagma, the Lusha Extension also works on LinkedIn Recruiters, as the Datagma Chrome Extension works only on regular LinkedIn profiles and LinkedIn Sales Navigator.

Lusha extension also allows the use of Lusha Everywhere.

When you navigate on a website, Lusha can list the employees and the contact information without having to go on LinkedIn. The same option exists when you visit a CRM contact.
This is yet to be possible with Datagma.



These are some significant differences between Lusha and Datagma. Consider these differences when picking an alternative to Lusha.

While Datagma is significantly cheaper than Lusha, it is much faster and more accurate to find information, enrich data, and prospect with Datagma.

Our pricing starts at just $39/month for up to 3750 email searches and 50 mobile phone numbers included in it. 

 If you are an enterprise team, we can scale your prospection just as easily with 100,000 email addresses and up to 50 000+ phone number searches a month. Contact us now.


Clearbit Alternative

Datagma vs Clearbit: Which Should I Use?

If you are looking for a Clearbit Alternative; you are in the right place.

Data enrichment can be a tricky business. That’s why platforms like Clearbit and Datagma exist; they give you the data you need to prioritize inbound leads or reach out to the right clients for your business. You need enriched data to enhance your CRM; even if you have partial data. However, the question remains: which option is the best for your business?

Obviously, we’re a little biased toward ourselves. But in the air of honesty, we want to present both the good and less-than-good of both Clearbit and Datagma, so you can consider choosing a Clearbit alternative.

Here are the pros and cons of using Clearbit compared to our services here at Datagma:


First, Here Are The Cons of using Clearbit

Let’s start with the negatives so that we can end this on a positive note. 


  • Clearbit is Not GDPR-Compliant.

Clearbit technologies are 100% based on a large database of information. Specifically, they store emails & associated data. In accordance with the GDPR, or the General Data Protection Regulation, the processing is only allowed by the GDPR if either the data subject has consented or there is another legal basis. Therefore, using Clearbit’s platform is illegal within Europe or to gain personal information from European citizens. 

There is, however, a workaround. Clearbit has a GDPR Suppression Setting that will keep information from European citizens or those with an unconfirmed location from being returned during data enrichment. You can read more about that feature here

Once you activate the GDPR setting in Clearbit, you will not have any data linked to Europeans.

superession setting

But what about us? Datagma has no database, and everything is based on crawling public sources in real-time. We can only access publicly available information at the time of your search. Therefore, we are 100% GDPR Compliant without having to turn on extra settings. 

Considering a legal and compliant Clearbit alternative is essential for the possible legal impact on your business.



  • Clearbit Is Limited To Stored Data

Since we don’t have a database, Datagma isn’t limited to data stored in a database. When you use us, we immediately crawl the internet for publicly available data.

The issue lies with Clearbit, which relies on stored information in its database. If a contact moves to a new company recently, then they will not have updated information on the lead, like a new email or new place of work; you are now working with out-of-date information. You could also miss out on leads that haven’t been entered into Clearbit’s database yet. 

Both of these issues mean there is some risk when using Clearbit; you might miss out on leads that would otherwise benefit from your services. 


  • Clearbit Asks For More Money Upfront

Clearbit asks for an upfront payment for a full year of service… but what if you don’t need their services for a full year? What if you decide to go with someone else? Unfortunately, the only option to pay for any of Clearbit’s services is an entire year at once. Sometimes, the higher price also isn’t feasible for younger companies.

With Datagma, however, all our services can be purchased through a monthly subscription, and you can cancel anytime you want, with no commitments necessary. This means you only have to pay for Datagma when you’re using it. 


  • Clearbit Only allows Emails and Domain Names as inputs.

When you consider choosing a Clearbit alternative, you need to consider the possible inputs you can submit for enrichment.

With Clearbit, the only information allowed to be inputted are email addresses or domain names. This makes enrichment campaigns harder, as sometimes you have other information about your leads.

If you choose to go with Datagma, you can input emails and domain names but also full names, company names, and even social profiles. Thanks to all these possible inputs, you can even enrich partial data.


  • Clearbit Finds Less Person Data Than Datagma

Since we do live crawling, we can find more data about the person than they do; We found approximately the same number of data about companies - around 85% - but far more than them when you are looking for persons data. We have a 86% hit rate for personal, whereas Clearbit’s hit rate was only 49%.

When you choose to use Clearbit, you’re missing out on 37% of the personal data you could use during the enrichment process. 


Now, For Clearbit’s Positives


  • Clearbit Returns Data faster

In most cases, Clearbit responds in less than 1 second, which is impressive. They use stored data with their services, so they only have to search their own system; which takes less time than real time live crawling.

Datagma returns data slower, since we crawl the internet in real-time to find the data you need for your project. However, it should be mentioned that Datagma’s return time is only a few seconds more, averaging around 3 seconds to live crawl for data according to your filters.

If your project needs a response time under 1 second, go with them.


  • Clearbit Has Integrations That Datagma Does Not. 

Datagma has integrations with N8N, Zapier, Integromat, Captain Data, Surfe, Leadjet, Hubspot,, and we also offer an amazingly easy-to-use API. This can be plenty of tools to run your business and utilize your newly enriched data. 

This is especially convenient when transferring your business from its current data enrichment platform to ours if you’re already used to integrations like these. 

That said, Clearbit is integrated with some tools we are not yet, like Calixa and If you need either of these tools for your business or are, at the very least, considering them, it could be best to go with Clearbit’s services. 

With all these elements, you can now consider choosing the right Clearbit alternative.